Fileicer Credits Adder

A new tool has been delivered

This tool is based on an Exploit found on Fileice. An SQL has been found and with this tool you can add up to 100 Credtis Daily to your account. Do not trust the other fake tools. There is no way to create credits eccept you have the have the administration permission. With the SQL i got the credential of one of the owner of the website and i have the possibility to add no more than 100 points to one account. In this way i will not be discovered and the tool will works for much time


The tool is very simple. It works with a simple code that has been devided in 2 part for the tool's security itselfs. When you start the Program, it will ask you to add a code . To get the code simply click on the link that he suggests. Copy the code and paste it on the box than copy and past the second code on the second box. Click calculate copy the code that the tool will generate and past it on the "redeem" box. After you insert the email and the username click redeem than wait about 10 seconds. Now go to your account and surpriseeeee


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